Monday, March 5, 2012

one day at a time

Last week marks one of the hardest weeks of my life... it's too personal to get into details, but it lends for a moment where starting over this week brings a renewed sense of hope for the future. With opposition and challenges in life we have the opportunity for growth. We also have the opportunity to start over and try again. That is my motto this week! Starting over and trying again translates to all areas of my life. As I promised before and committed to myself, I will report on my progress to find peace within my physical trials. Last week I fell off the wagon with my new diet goals. I was feeling so sick to my stomach the only thing I could eat for 4 days straight was crackers and applesauce. My crackers of choice were Cheese-its... full of refined wheat and food coloring, both of which are totally against my new diet but were deliciously accepted by my nauseous stomach, so c'est la vie. Sometimes you have to do what you have to do to get through the moment.

Now, on a positive note ... I have stayed true to the no caffeine, no zip fizz and no sugar chemicals!! So I'm two weeks without those and now it's my week to work on sugar and refined flour. So, for starting over this week I had a wonderful green smoothie this morning! Full of kale, spinach, cucumber and so many more delicious vegetables that are great for my body! I feel better already. I even had a huge production on Saturday where I made two batches in my trusted VitaMix, put them in ice cubes in the freezer and now have almost 2 weeks worth of smoothies!! I've learned that this is is the only way I can consistently drink green smoothies, otherwise it is too much of a production in my morning when I'm running to get out the door by 7:15. I just pop a few green smoothie ice cubes into my blender with some coconut water, blend for 2 minutes, pour in my glass and I'm out the door with a healthy start! Here's to the power of green smoothies every morning!

A bit of Monday Morning motivation to leave us with today:

 "Hope is itself a species of happiness, and, perhaps, the chief happiness which this world affords: but, like all other pleasures immoderately enjoyed, the excesses of hope must be expiated by pain; and expectations improperly indulged must end in disappointment." - SAMUEL JOHNSON, Letter, Jun. 8, 1762 - enjoy your week being in hope, being happy, and being well!! 


  1. Hi Liz! I am currently eliminating all sugar, flour, and wheat from my diet.. for various reasons I wont get into here. But we should motivate each other! :)

    1. Vanessa, YES! Let's chat about this sometime! Send me an email at I'm totally up for some team motivation! I'm doing ok on the flour but the sugar thing (and caffeine, I love diet coke) is REALLY hard!
