Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Energy, Exercise and Essential Oils

Here are my 3 E's for the day: Energy, Exercise and Essential Oils

ENERGY: oh how I wish I had more of it! It's Wednesday, middle of the week and man am I exhausted! Today would have been a morning where I reached for a zipfizz to kick my day off. Good thing I didn't have any in the cupboard. (And yes I did go looking even though I knew there wasn't any, anywhere. Addictive behaviors much? I think so). Maybe I'm not quite over the withdrawals, or maybe I'm actually not as committed as I think I am. All I know is that mornings like today when my body aches and I'm exhausted and have a full day ahead of me ... I need something! Maybe I'll buckle under these cravings and go get a diet coke. Oh no, I said it! A DIET COKE... Oh how I really do love you! Can I make it through the day without any caffeine? The thing that is so hard is that I want to get a good work out in today and when I'm exhausted and in pain like this I can only seem to work out if I've had some caffeine.

EXERCISE: Speaking of exercise, I got my first workout in yesterday for the first time in 2 weeks!! It was a hard one! Jillian kicked my butt! However, it felt so great! This morning I already feel stronger and more confident. I was so consistent for so many weeks and then I just got so busy that I let it slide. I'm back and hope that this week is the start of consistency again. Plus, I miss BodyPump!

ESSENTIAL OILS: I've heard about essential oils but I have never really gotten into them before. My sister-in-law went to a class on DoTerra essential oils and since then I have been learning so much from her. I ordered just a couple at first and then last week ordered a few more. My collection is growing as is my testimony! I was of course skeptical at first (Mr. Doctor in the house feeds my skepticism), but at the same time I really do believe in alternative medicine. My two main concerns I wanted to address at first was 1. sleep/stress and 2. hypoglycemia. I ordered Serenity for stress/sleep and Eucalyptus for my hypoglycemia. We are about 4 weeks into our essential oils journey and I love learning all the different applications and benefits from all the different ones. Serenity has now become a nightly ritual! I even have my husband, the skeptical soon to be doctor, using it every night. It really does help him calm down and deal with the pressures and stress with school. I have a strong belief in the eucalyptus one. I usually get the shakes mid morning, no matter what I eat. It's just what I deal with. Since using eucalyptus I have not had these shakes. Then, two weeks ago it was about 10:15 am and I got the shakes for the first time in a while. It was a crazy busy morning but I found a moment to think, "why the heck am I feeling this way again? What did I eat today? What did I do different?" and then it dawned on me ... I forgot to use my oils! At that moment I was hooked and I haven't missed a day since and have yet to have the shakes! It is amazing!

If you are interested, check out this website:
This is where my sister-in-law gets a lot of her information. And if you want more resources let me know and I can send you in the right direction.

PS - I'm failing miserably on no sugar this week. I don't know what my deal is! My sweet tooth is out of control! Help. I need an intervention. BUT, I have been consistent with my green smoothies. That is one thing I have going for me today! :) 

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