Tuesday, November 8, 2011

It's here--whether you're ready or not. Just look at the seasonal shelves in your favorite store. Retailers like to call it 'holiday season' but let's be more accurate.

Weight Gain season begins now and runs straight through New Year's.

The next two months will bring ample opportunity for you to expand your waistline. Of course the choice is yours.

Why discuss it now and not mid way through December? Because now is your opportunity to plan for the weeks ahead. Once the craziness begins, you'll be too busy to put a plan into action.

So let's take this moment of clarity, this calm before the storm, to outline a two-part plan that will save your waist from unwanted holiday inches.

1) Part One: Your Exercise Plan.
Exercise is the first thing people cut when they get busy, and the holiday season is notorious for empty gyms. This year do something different--obligate yourself to exercise. Promising to yourself won't do it, you need to promise to others so that you won't drop the ball.
Sign up to work with a fitness expert - This is the perfect solution for consistent, challenging and effective workouts. I'll give you the attention and assistance that you need to power through the holidays in better shape than ever - talk about motivating!
Join a class - You won't be as effective exercising on your own during the busy holiday season, so join a class for accountability. Find something challenging that gets your heart rate elevated and uses strength training.
Get a serious exercise buddy - Some friends can be an awesome help while others end up pulling you down. When looking for an exercise buddy consider the following questions:
- Do they share your fitness goals?
- Are they fairly encouraging?
- Do they give up easily?
- Are they at your fitness level?

2) Part Two: Your Diet Plan.
The holidays offer ample opportunities to indulge, so you need to hammer down some guidelines before hitting that buffet line. I'm not saying that you shouldn't indulge in any seasonal treats, but use moderation. Don't use the holidays as an excuse to eat until the point of being uncomfortable - will you really miss that bloated feeling? Decide which treats to cut out this year.
Don't bring edible treats to the office or to parties. You know that the leftovers will come home and you'll end up eating far more than your share. This year do everyone a favor by not gifting fattening treats.
When faced with a buffet line, load your plate first with greens, vegetables and lean meats before breads and heavier foods. Also drink water with your meal and keep sugary drinks to a bare minimum.
Everywhere you go during the holiday season brings you face-to-face with a plate of sweets. To avoid being a bore but without adding inches to your waist, try the one treat rule. Each time you're in a social situation that involves sweets just eat one, and enjoy your treat slowly.
You don't have to gain weight this holiday season. The key is your mindset.

~by Mike Cordon at Metro Fitness

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween Detox

Halloween Detox in 4 Easy Steps
By Vanessa Rodriguez, R.H.N.

Halloween can be a great time for occasional treats, but afterwards we may be left wondering how to get back on track with good nutrition. These tips can help get your whole family—adults and kids alike—back to good food habits.

1. Deal with leftovers immediately.

If you still have Halloween treats lying around, either get rid of them or divide them into small snacks to be used throughout the year. Always keep them out of sight. The temptation with leftover junk food is to eat it all at once, especially when it’s in small, easy-to-grab portions. This can overwhelm your system and drastically add to your calorie intake. Instead, prepare healthy snacks like raw fruits, vegetables and nuts. Package them conveniently in small containers that are easily visible in the fridge, so the whole family can grab a healthier option.

2. Rehydrate.

It’s easy to forget hydration during Halloween, but with high sugar consumption and high activity levels, it’s crucial to make sure everyone is getting enough water to replenish loses and aid digestion. Kids often forget to drink and need to be reminded. Water can also help you feel satiated and less tempted to grab that extra treat.

3. Drink smoothies.

You can fight junk food by consuming as many vitamins and minerals as possible. The most convenient and practical way to do this is with a smoothie. Natural smoothies made with whole foods can taste great and they are satisfying. They are also easily digested so the nutrients can go straight to work at getting you back on track. Here is one recipe full of antioxidants.


1/3 cup of blueberries
1/3 cup of raspberries
1/3 cup of pomegranate kernels
1/4 cup of beet juice (optional)
1 banana
The antioxidants in this smoothie can fight the preservatives, colorings, and chemicals consumed through junk food while boosting your immune system. Because sugar suppresses the immune system, loading up on antioxidants over the next few days is important.

4. Analyze and move on.

After a holiday we may find ourselves fighting feelings of guilt over poor food choices. It’s important to acknowledge how we’re feeling, but also leave it in the past. Instead of getting discouraged, make a decision to get back on track. If you are feeling heavy and sluggish, associate that with your food choices and the next time you’re tempted to indulge, remember how you felt.

Encourage your kids to make the same link between their moods and overeating. They might have experienced an upset stomach or a blood sugar crash. Teach them that food plays a role in how they feel. This might also be a good opportunity to plan next year’s Halloween as an event that is both healthy and fun.

This Halloween detox is about cleansing your system and starting over, so make a new commitment to improve your nutrition.