Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Walking Wednesdays

I was asked a couple weeks ago to head up a wellness program at work with one of my great friends, Sally Jones. Sally is in HR and together we have been trying to implement a wellness program. We started Walking Wednesdays and have had such a great time! Today the sun was out and the sky was a beautiful blue! It is so fun to leave the office for an hour and walk and socialize with those that we work with. We even have a hand sign for Walking Wednesdays. LOL

This last month we had a Water Competition. Everyone was challenged to drink their daily allotment of water and to track it everyday. Those that did it were entered into a drawing for a prize. Everyone was really into it and half way through the month we RAN OUT OF WATER in the office, and had to expedite another shipment. How great is that!??! Our winner exceeded his daily goal all 24 days of the contest and is still going strong. He completely gave up the several soft drinks and energy drinks that he use to drink daily. What an inspiration! It's great to see what a little encouragement does for everyone. So many individuals are still doing the water tracking. They really are making a change in their lifestyle. It feels so rewarding to have helped them! GO Chamber Team! BE WELL! (That is our wellness program motto) :)